Simple living in New Mexico...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Windmills in Texas

Aermotor tower and rebuilt mill with the aged look!

Mike and Casey getting ready to put up the third tower....

Pretty patina!

Auntie Rhonda  and kids resting in one of the mules.  There were two for the kids to drive around!

Mylon on the ground balancing the mill as it went up!

Ivy's photo session with Hattie in the sunflowers.

Up wth the mill!

It was sooooo hot, we drank gallons of water.

Ivy in the mule...

This one is pumping!

Going up!

Brother and sister tag team.

Lots of sweating!

When we were done we went to Mylon and Rhonda's house!  So lovely!  Then I pretty much quit taking pics--darn!

Fell in love with this store in Castroville!  Look at the colors!  So French!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Homeschooling agenda!

So this year we are back to homeschooling after 1 year in public school.  The kids begged to stay home and be home schooled again.  Looking at the common core curriculum issues and a lot of other "issues" how could I refuse?  Not saying they didn't have a nice year in school last year.  They adapted well socially, and academically.

Homeschooling certainly has its positives and negatives, just like everything.  I am sure that there will be gaps in their education, I certainly have many in mine.  I am just learning what a Classical Education means, and finding out just how much I fall short.  Good news is you are never too old to learn.

This year we are doing something new along with the old that worked for us!  Our guideline is  It is a classical Charlotte Mason based approach with lapbooking and games thrown it to boot.  What this program offers is a daily list of what to do for each grade and the links to get to each poem, book, game, or video online that the kids just have to click on.  Wow, talk about some time someone spent compiling this!  And it is free, so I don't have to stay ahead of the kids all year finding the books they need, buying them etc... Most of the old classics are free online.  When we get tired of reading online we can always check the books out at the library or buy them, but this is a ton of help.
So far its going good!

Back to our wonderful CLE math.  Last year the kids missed it so badly, Clay would actually do some of the leftover workbooks on his offtime until he used them all up. Cannot say enough about this math program.

For grammar, spelling, reading, and writing we use classical literature and poetry through our online links, a lot of spelling and vocabulary from the stories and poems.

Memorization is a big part of their grammar,Ivy and Clay are busy memorizing poetry as I write.  They will memorize different poetry and historical documents as we study them on a weekly basis to workout the fabulous brains that God gave them.

I hope to start the kids of violin or even fiddle lessons soon.  This little town has amazing musical opportunities through a few local musicians.  You can even take cello lessons here.

Ivy is back to her 3d art lessons online that she has missed so much.
Mertha the Mermaid

no explanation necessary

our messy office--did you know we are in the middle of a redo?

Penmanship is a part of our day; I love it even though the common core has seemed to let it drop.  From what I have read it is good for brain development.  Ivy has to write everything she does in cursive and Clay is learning cursive this year. (He is in 3rd grade).

History is starting at the beginning, Genesis and Ancient Egypt.  We are doing a unit study together in the afternoons and compiling all of our info together in  lapbooks.  It makes me want to get to the library and study up on ancient history.  All I can say is thank goodness for the internet.

Computer is also part of their online school.  Ivy will be starting her own blog this year on wordpress and then she will be attempting to write and publish a novel online through amazon.  She is taking typing as well and will definitely be using that skill more and more throughout her studies.

Both Clay and Ivy are studying human anatomy now.  Clay has an outline of his body that he is labeling and learning about everyday--cells, bones, muscles.
Clay at his desk with his new chromebook for school and angry birds!  I will take some better pics when we get further down the road with our organization

As an overview, it seems like homeschooling is just getting more fun the older they get, (now that they know how to read!)

Hattie and Ruby are working hard as well.  Hattie does her workbooks to a perfection while Ruby cuts hers up into smaller pieces. (This is actually fine because she is only 3 and studies show the earlier you start the worse they do!)  So we smile regardless.  Hattie however is ready to learn, she is learning her sounds and lots of songs, she loves puzzles on the computer (wonderful invention--no little pieces everywhere!) crafts, painting, play dough (don't buy play dough from the dollar store) and stories!!!
After a hard morning at work, these two are crashed out on their sofa!  

Wish us positivity, perseverance, and  patience as we forge on into the unknown of home (office) school!